Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Time Wasters Wednesday - A Glass and a Half Full

So yeah I know, this advertisement was put out in 2007. But I must tell you that it just doesn't get old for me. It is marketing brilliance in my opinion, and I am usually annoyed rather then amused by TV advertising campaigns. It has all the elements for me. . . it grabs and holds your attention, it showcases an amazing song by a great singer, and it promotes a sincere weakness of mine, chocolate! The folks at
A Glass and A Half Full
productions really got a niche for what they do, and their interactive website is super impressive.

Am I alone on this, or did you find yourself needing to watch it a second time too?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE this add. When it first came out I sent it to all my friends (uncommon for me at the time). I think it is genius.